Magdalena Abakanowicz

“Dr. Jolanta Gola's attempt to organize the factography on the life and works of Magdalena Abakanowicz and prepare a comprehensive catalog of her works deserves recognition and respect. The author has done a tremendous amount of research work, collecting facts and accounts, organizing often unknown materials. Her study has a clear authorial character, while maintaining the universal shape of a “reasoned catalog.” The “Calendar” she has compiled will undoubtedly become an essential point of reference for further work on the work of Magdalena Abakanowicz. Similarly, the “Catalog”, which reveals the enormity of the artist's achievements and illustrates the transformations taking place in her work.” 

- Excerpt from review dr. hab. Waldemara Baraniewskiego

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Collector's products - limited editions accompanying Magdalena Abakanowicz's Catalogue Raisonné

